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A Letter to the Esteemed Appalachian State Cross Country Alumni



United by our common bonds, we write to discuss an opportunity created to provide a great journey.  Long ago for some, a recent time for many, we all ran under the banner of black and gold towards one common goal: to achieve the highest glory possible as a cross country team borne out of these treasured and endless mountains trails.  There were the close attempts of 7th place in 2001, and 10th in 2000, 2003, and 2007 at Regionals, but not since 1994 has Appalachian cross country reached the pinnacle of NCAA championships.  Now, fortified with decades of alumni bonded by uncommon training experience, The Firetower Project has become a reality.

The Firetower Project, operating through the Appalachian Foundation is a nonprofit (501c3) group whose mission is to provide the financial support necessary to boost Appalachian men’s cross country back up to national prominence within 5 years.  The Firetower Project draws its greatest might from an alumni bonded together by common experience and training over the last 25 years.  While this dream of representing the black and gold at the NCAA Championships did not materialize for most of us during our athletic endeavors, we are now poised to inject true adrenaline into future teams. 

What does The Firetower Project ask?  In considering the 25 years of common alumni, the financial potential to support scholarship(s) for high caliber recruits is electrifying.  In providing a 5-year annual pledge of commitments, no matter the level of support, we can leverage Appalachian’s natural allure of training grounds to match blue chip recruitment.  

Can The Firetower Project be effective in these transient and unusual times?  While our adversaries waver in deciding whether to continue ahead or draw down, we strongly feel now is the time to advance forward.  You may ask why now after the indoor men’s track program has been ended?  It has undoubtedly been a difficult year for our brethren, but we press onward to honor our legacy, to assist those currently in need, and to build toward the future. 

What is the mission of The Firetower Project?  Victory.  In the early stages of the Project, victory at the conference level and beyond.  Victory and momentum in the middle stages by reaching the upper echelons at Regionals.  All of this culminating in victory advancing to the NCAAs to sustain a presence there beyond The Firetower Project.  So that with these great victories, armed and advanced with the support of a decades-long bonded alumni, the new and victorious Appalachian cross country program will come to the restoration and glorification of the old!

Every last breath in every last one of us have all run that humbling yet stirring path to the firetower.  Let us join together again as a team, across the years and across great distances, on this new journey to the firetower.  United under this banner, together we are stronger than one, together we are…  

Firetower Project alternate Logo
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